Thursday, 23 September 2010

Mock Up of CD Cover

This is the mock up CD pack I created whilst Adam created the mock website design.

When it comes to creating the real digipack, the cover, back and inside bookelt will all be photographs of Adam (signer/main character) with sofa and guitar taken on a green screen so the background can be edited

This is the mock cover for the CD. I have decided to use the name of the song and theme of the video my having the lead character (singer) sat on the 'sofa' with his guitar next to him.

This is the back of the CD case. I have chosen to make it the back view of the singer sat on the sofa as it makes it clear that this is the back of the digipack and this has been used in many CD covers before. The tracklisting will be wrote on the back on the sofa.

This is the booklet inside the CD case. I have chosen to keep to the theme of the signer and his guitar. There is also a list of thankyou's that will be included on the booklet.

This is the CD holder of the digipack. I have decided to make it look like the hole in an acoustic guitar as it keeps to the theme of acoustic music.

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